The Coalition for Global Health Innovation’s 1st Anniversary - our journey has just begun.
Innovation begins with an idea.
The Coalition for Global Health Innovation emerged from a shortage of interactive, accessible and non-traditional spaces that facilitate collaboration, lead to action, empower innovators, and encourage innovation. After brewing an idea for a multinational network of global health students and young professionals for several years, the MultiPOD Mentoring program organised a meeting at the World Health Summit, in October 2019. Mentees from the program then set out to build this collective intelligence.
A handful of volunteers decided to form a team, and during the first half of 2020, CGHI established a name, its vision and structural dynamics. On June 15th, with an official website and social media launch, CGHI was presented to the world. At that time, there were only two operating teams, Social Media and Editorial, but by the end of the year, three more were added to the list – the Administrative, Community Building and Fundraising and Partnerships teams.
In January 2021, CGHI was registered as a non-profit organisation in Sweden. This organisation of early career professionals, for early career professionals, continuously grows, and currently counts 30 active steering group members and hundreds of community members from all continents.
One might ask; why put valuable leisure time into creating something from scratch when there are already so many options available? During the COVID-19 pandemic, many innovative solutions were rapidly implemented. We need this stream of innovation to continue in the field of Global Health.
After exploring our personal networks and listening to our peers, it became clear that early career professionals have many ideas, energy and enthusiasm, but they often lack resources and confidence to begin their journey in the Global Health sector. We realized that early-career Global Health professionals are an underused resource for knowledge, action and innovation, and by empowering them to realise their ideas and helping others do the same, we can make a huge impact.

Our mission is to empower our coalition members to be the action-oriented professionals the world needs, and to bring innovative solutions to the field of Global Health.
But this movement is not only pragmatic; sometimes stepping on a path just feels right. The Coalition unlocks amazing potential for learning, growth and channelling passion into contribution, but the best thing, without a doubt, are the people. It’s fascinating how a group of complete strangers with nothing, but a common drive can come such a long way.
Even though most of the members haven’t met in person, it turns out we are not only great colleagues in CGHI, we have become great friends.
In a year, a group of enthusiasts became a non-profit organisation and a devoted team of visionaries, community-builders and action tank developers. We are turning our idea into a solution, together.